
Cancer Heterogeneity and Immune Interactions 

September 16-20, 2024

University Residential Center

Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy


The Bertinoro Computational Biology (BCB) meeting, 2024, September 16-20, will focus on the topic of Cancer Heterogeneity and Immune Interactions and will be held in the small medieval hilltop town of Bertinoro, see pictures and map. It is a small workshop with around 40 participants and it can be viewed as a continuation of earlier successful BCB meetings on Computational Cancer Research.


As the field of immuno-oncology gains in importance following in the success of checkpoint blockade inhibitors, and progress in new therapeutic modalities increasing focus must be placed on understanding the interaction between malignant cells and patients' immune responses. 

Moreover, measurement technologies capable of surveying the entire 'ecosystem' of cells comprising a tumor such as single cell sequencing and spatial biology have become stable and robust for quantative profiling of the tumor microenvironment (TME). Consequently, computational and statistical methods must be advanced in order to maximize biological interpretability with statistical and quantitative rigor. Our meeting will focus on computational methods development, application of measurement technologies and biological interpretation of immune-malignant cell interaction and cancer evolution in the context of the TME.


See Program


See Registration